Our next division meeting will be at the Hibernian House on Friday, September 22nd at 8:00pm. Aside from typical business, we will have nominations for Hibernian House offices that are up for election (Vice President and Secretary).
Welcome to our newest members who were sworn in at our June meeting:
- Eddie Coyle (Pearl River)
- Steve Martin (Blauvelt)
- Kevin Hardy (Pearl River)
- Sean Reid (Pearl River)
- Thomas Hennessy (Pearl River)
- Chris Huber (Pearl River)
- Chris Huber, Jr. (Pearl River)
- Robert Foley (Pearl River)
- Pat Frawley (Tappan)
The Hibernian House Comedy Night on Friday was another great success, congratulations to Dennis Madigan and the team for a great night and for the extra funds that went to the Christmas Family Fund. There are a lot more events coming up, see Upcoming Events.
Our big autumn fundraiser, our Pot Of Gold raffle, kicks off now. It’s important as an organization that we support this effort. See the article to follow.
Good & Welfare – Please pray for the repose of the soul of our brother Patrick Moore whom we lost over the summer – may he rest in peace.
As always, we pray that you and your family are healthy and safe.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Chuck Parnow