I hope all are enjoying the great weather this Labor Day weekend. As the unofficial end to summer, it’s a great way to wrap it up, and in a year that had too many ‘bad news’ communications, it’s good to have had a period of quiet. However, it is important for the Division to get back to the business of the Order: Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
To that end, we will have our next division meeting on Friday, September 18 at 8pm. See the article below on the particulars of the meeting – and always keep in mind, we will continue to conduct all of our live events in a safe and healthy manner.
With that in mind, a big congratulations and thank you to the Frank McDonagh and the Hibernian House team on a successful opening of the pub. It took a lot of planning and work, from the thorough cleaning, to setting up the upstairs bar to re-thinking the logistics of hospitality with proper ventilation, social distancing, and other safeguards. We will continue to look at ways of providing a great place to get together while protecting everyone’s well-being.
One of the big events in the Fall is our charitable event – the Pot O’ Gold. Given the limitations on the number of attendees of those parties, we’re taking an alternative this Fall. See the “Charities” item below – this will be another topic at our meeting. We also need to focus on the many needs for charity in our current environment – too many people are grappling with lost jobs and food insecurity.
Finally, we also continue to look at ways of recognizing our lost members and continue to focus on Irish culture, as the current environment will allow. This will be another topic of our division meeting. Speaking of our culture and history and ‘food insecurity’, make sure to read Neil’s article on the Great Hunger and the major anniversary this month.
Good & Welfare – Please remember Hughie O’Brien’s mother, Eileen, who we recently lost, in your prayers. Also, keep Connie Smith, Larry Cronin and Gene Flood, all fighting various medical issues, in your prayers. Please also say a special prayer for our law enforcement professionals who deserve all our support. Finally, please remember all our uniformed service members who continue to protect our lives and our freedoms.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Chuck Parnow