We regret that due to circumstances we have had to cancel this years trip. If You signed up, you can pick up your check at the House
This year’s Saratoga bus trip will take place on Saturday, August 3, 2013. A coach bus will leave the Hibernian House @ 8 a.m. sharp & will return after the last race. The cost again this year is $60 per person, which includes beer, wine, soda, sandwiches. The sign-up sheet will go up behind the Hibernian House bar on June 1, 2010. You must leave payment (cash/checks) with the bartender when you sign up (Attention: Chris Gallagher). This trip is always a sell-out, so make sure you sign up and pay early to reserve your spot. Contact Chris Gallagher with any questions (845) 548-2573 or cpg12866@yahoo.com.