Our next meeting will be held on Friday, October 23 at 8pm at which we will hold nominations for division officers. Pete Dunne and crew did a fantastic job as usual at our family picnic and many thanks to Tim Hanson and all who supported our golf outing. The rain held off and we all had a great time. We once again hosted our session of Irish music on Friday, October 2. Our local young musicians were in top form after winning several championships over the summer. Mary Holt Moore also gave a Gaelic lesson that went over so well that we might have to start having them more than just once a month.
The first drawing party for our Pot O’Gold Raffle will be held on Sunday, Nov. 8. This is our major fund raiser and is the best deal in town with two drawing parties and $14,000 in prize money awarded so get your tickets now. Jack O’Connor has moved the senior citizen Thanksgiving luncheon up to Nov.14 this year and he and Larry DeGennaro will be looking for volunteers. Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President