Our next meeting will be held on Friday, May 21 at 8pm. At our April meeting we welcomed aboard new members Keith Kennedy, Michael Gallagher, and Daniel McKallen. Many thanks to our scholarship and Communion Breakfast committees for another fantastic job, especially the Sheridans and the Ladies AOH for the great food and the beautiful set up of the hall. We had beautiful weather for our golf outing and Pete Dunne regaled us later in the HH. Many thanks to Tim Hanson, Pat Tully, Bob Winkelman, Joan Moore, May Kreider, and everyone else who worked so hard at the course and back at the House to make the outing such a success. We’ve been invited to march in the Memorial Day Parade and will meet in the HSBC parking lot on Middletown Road at 10:30 am.
Dan Callanan reports the following Good & Welfare news: Please pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of Chuck Parnow’s father Charles. Frankie Adams is recovering well after leg surgery and so is Dan Barry after his heart tune-up. Connie Smith is undergoing a radiation and chemotherapy regimen at Columbia Pres. For those who don’t know, Connie was “the man” who remodeled Hibernian House when we purchased the building and repeated his contributions in creating our pub with the able assistance of many of our talented members. The first wave of snow birds are returning, Bobby Howe and Frankie Aiello were the first two spotted. Some really good news: a while back I asked you to write to the Defense Department in support of three Navy Seals. It helped because they were all exonerated and plan to rejoin their units. Some more good news: Joe Byrne was exonerated of all charges in Ireland. Please keep him in your prayers as he attempts to get his green card back. We wish our very own John Timoney success with his new book “Top Cop”.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President