Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Irish American Heritage Month to you and yours. Welcome aboard to new members John Duffy, Robert Dupee, Michael Carroll, and Sean Kavanagh. Our next meeting will be held on Friday, March 24th. Congrats to Frank McDonagh and Phil Sheridan on their reelections. Everyone had a great time at the Emerald Ball. Many thanks go out to all the volunteers who worked so hard and to all the honorees. It was great to see the strong Division presence at the St. Margaret’s party, the proclamation of Irish American Heritage Month by the Orangetown Board, the Friendly Sons dinner, and the screening of the Project Children documentary.
A bus leaves the Cultural Center in Blauvelt at 11 am for people marching with the County in NYC on March 17th. We have “180 Strong” buttons for marchers to wear signifying their support for the Parade Celebration Committee that was elected by the 180 Affiliated Organizations in November of 2015 but which continues to shunned by the Parade Board of Directors. Don’t forget that the deadline for scholarship applications is Saturday March 18th. Jack O’Connor and Larry DeGennaro would greatly appreciate any help for the Seniors St. Patrick’s Luncheon on the 18th. Volunteers are needed starting at 10 am. Let’s dress appropriately and march with pride with Division 3 through the streets of Pearl River behind our Aide to Grand Marshal Marty Davin and Battalion Commander Chuck Parnow in the 2017 St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 19th.
Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare News…Please say a prayer for the repose of the soul of Mark Donnelly. Another couple of good thoughts are due for Brian Gallagher and please support our Friend in Need campaign for him and his family. Denis Troy is scheduled for a new knee due too many high school jump shots, Charlie Murphy has a brand new pacemaker, Marty Meaney is recovering from surgery that his surgeon Dr. Tiger Woods claims will drastically improve his golf swing, John Taylor is doing well after his latest bout with COPD as his son Brian is doing quite well with his canonical studies in Rome, and Gene Flood is looking great after losing 40 pounds to get back to his fighting weight..
As always, please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President.