Our next meeting will be held on Friday, March 26 at 8pm. At our December meeting we welcomed aboard new members Conor Moore, Bill Browne, George Browne, Michael O’Neill, John Schwarz, Kevin Conway, Arturo Garcia, John McGowan, and James Murphy.
I’d like to thank all who attended the Emerald Ball and/or took Journal ads. Your support of the County and the parade is essential and greatly appreciated.
Please pray for the peaceful repose of Jim Fitzmaurice’s bride Mary and Kevin Furlong’s mother-in-law Margaret Conway. Please say a few prayers for the following; Marty and Danny Davin’s mom Helena is battling multiple stomach ailments at Westchester Medical Center, Pat Gillen had a pair of stints replaced and is recovering well with an admonition from the docs to take it easy for awhile including his set dancing exploits, and Connie Smith returned from his Florida estate to undergo treatment at Columbia Presybeterian. Please keep Cpl. Christopher Dechon, USMC in your prayers who is heading over to Afghanistan. This is his second tour with his first being Iraq.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President