Our next meeting will be held on Friday, June 21st at 8m. Welcome aboard to new member Ed McDonald. Congratulations to the golf committee, the McKiernan family, and the many volunteers for running a fantastic Joe McKiernan Memorial Golf Outing. Congratulations to Sean Walsh on his election to County Vice President as well as to the division members who were re-elected to their county offices, and many thanks again to outgoing president Vince Tyer for his 6 years of very productive leadership. We’ll be reaching out to you with a date for the comeback of our annual picnic in September and mark your calendars for National President Brendan Moore’s testimonial dinner weekend which will be held on October 5th and 6th at the Crowne Plaza in Suffern.
Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare News…Please say a prayer for the repose of the soul of Pete McGovern a real gentleman from Swanlinbar, County Cavan. Another prayer is due for Mike Higgins who is in Nyack Hospital recovering from a punctured lung and several broken ribs. Congratulations are in order for Joe Mulroe who was presented with a new grand daughter Caroline by his daughter Eileen and her husband Scott and for Frank Reilly being presented with a new grand daughter Frances by his son Brian and his bride Kelly.
We wish you and your families a happy and safe summer.
As always, please remember in your prayers our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President