Our next meeting will be held on Friday, June 29th at 8pm. Welcome aboard to new member Patrick Moore. Many thanks to Phil & Linda Sheridan along with Jack O’Connor and Jim Gallagher for putting on anotherbgreat Mother’s Day Breakfast. Our Philip J. Murphy Golf Outing on May 17th was a huge success due to the hard work of chairmen Sean Walsh and Hugh O’Brien as well as the whole golf committee. Give yourselves a pat on the back on a great job, guys.
Joe Walsh asked for help recruiting sponsor families to host needy children from Northern Ireland visiting the U.S. or else Project Children would have to turn several kids down. We put out an e-mail to our members and within days all of the kids had families to stay with. The coordinator for the project is deeply appreciative of ourmembers’ outstanding response and so are Joe Walsh and myself. Maybe next year wecan get the word out earlier and have a list of families ready.
We wish Brendan Moore luck in the race for national president at the upcoming convention this July.
Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare… Please say a prayer for the repose of the souls of Mike Kane, Steve Bello, Dermot Moore’s father Tom, Tim McGee’s dad Lawrence, Tom Fennell’s mom Dorothy, and Frank Duffy’s sister Margaret. Paid a visit to Larry McKeever up at Summit Park and came awa ywith the impression that he’s doing quite well, especially with his attitude. Brendan Malley stopped by the pub and seems to be recovering quite well with his injuries. Jim “Stretch” Fitzmaurice has also been stopping by the pub and is also doing fine. Gene Flood is having some back difficulties and hopefully will return to the local golf circuit after treatments, Ray Gallagher’s daughter Christine is preparing for major surgery in the near future, and Big John Ovchinnikoff has run into a bout with shingles. They all could use your prayers and good thoughts.
Kudos to the County AOH Pipe Band on a magnificent showing at the Memorial Day Parade in town.
We hope you and your families have a great and safe summer and, as always, please keep our troops in your prayers, especially our wounded warriors.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President