Happy New Year. Our next meeting will be held on Friday, January 24th at 8m. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who made our Christmas parties so special despite the terrible weather conditions. Congratulations and many thanks are also due to the Sheridans, all our volunteers, a very overworked bartender Frank McDonagh, and especially Bill and Trish Lee for a very successful Pot O’Gold final drawing party. We hope all of the winners enjoyed their winnings over the holidays. Thank you to all who purchased tickets. Because of your support, the division will be able to continue to assist those in need in our community, support those organizations that help so many, and to offer our scholarships. Congratulations to Larry DeGennaro and Brian Booth who respectively have been elected as our Aide to Grand Marshal and Battalion Commander for the 2014 Rockland County St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare News… Please say a prayer for the repose of the souls of Jim O’Brien’s wife Joan, Larry Dolan Jr.’s bride Alison, and Ed Coffey’s son-in-law Mark Collins. Brendan Malley, one of our past multi-term Division presidents, has a severe case of COPD is strapped with a portable oxygen tank but his spirits are ok, Mike Smith has begun his dialysis treatments, Frank Aiello is doing quite well recovering from his leg circulation problems, John Kennedy has complete his chemo and radiation treatments and is being assessed to see if additional treatments are necessary, and Jim Whelan could use some prayers as he undergoes surgeries in Columbia Pres to repair a detached retina in one eye and red “floaters” in the other which have seriously effected his vision. Congrats to Nick Doyle who became a grandfather again thanks to Alexander David, to John Dolan whose daughter Dr, Eileen became Mrs. Jim Sulzer, to Tom Fennell and Walter Wettje whose son and daughter respectively became Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Fennell. Jim Walsh, Mike Smith, Pete Dunne, Pat Tully, and Bob Farrelly are all residents of the senior citizen’s enclave on Cortwood Road in Orangeburg. John Draper, Sr. is planning one last Adopt-a-Soldier shipment for the troops overseas. There is a box at the pub to collect your donations. Many thanks to John for all his hard work.
You all should take a bow for your generosity in regards to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program, our annual Pot O’Gold fund raiser, our Adopt a Family fund, and especially for the recent fundraiser for the John O’Hara family.
Please remember to say an extra prayer for our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President