We extend a warm welcome to our new chaplain, Fr. Eric Raaser, and many thanks to Msgr. O’Keefe for his many years of service. Welcome aboard as well to new members James Drew, Tommy O’Connor, Cornelius Kapral, Eric Hansen, Dean McSherry, and Kevin McMahon. Our next meeting will be held on Friday, February 24th and elections of Hibernian House officers will take place. Many thanks to all who attended the Metro Conference on January 28th and helped out with the Grand Marshal Reception on February 3rd. Congratulations to Chuck Parnow and Dan Peterson who once again ran a fantastic ski trip to Belleayre Mountain on February 4th. We are entering our busy season so please see all the different upcoming events in this newsletter. Let’s dress appropriately and march with pride with Division 3 through the streets of Pearl River behind our Aide to Grand Marshal Marty Davin and Battalion Commander Chuck Parnow in the 2017 St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 19th.
Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare News…Please say a prayer for the repose of the souls of John Ovchinnikoff’s dad Larry, Harry Stern’s mom Lillian, Jerry Goulding’s wife Patricia and Kevin Grogan’s mom Virginia. Please say another prayer for Charlie Murphy who is scheduled for a Pacemaker installation next month, for Jack Cunningham who recently suffered a stroke and is undergoing speech therapy, for Dougie Meeks’ wife Lisa who suffered a stroke and is in Hackensack Hospital ICU, and for Phil Sheridan who took a flop on the ice and suffered a compound fracture of his right arm. Mark Donnelly reports that he’s feeling better with the help of a housekeeper, and Jim Walsh and Gene Flood are both reporting that they are doing well.
Hillsdale College is offering 16 free online courses on such subjects as the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.
Go to www.hillsdale.edu.
As always, please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our wounded warriors and
their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President.