As we are on the cusp of Christmas and the end of 2022, we should be so thankful for what we’ve had this year. I look forward to seeing you at our next division meeting at the Hibernian House this Friday, December 23rd at 8:00pm. Aside from discussing the upcoming events of 2023, we’ll conduct elections for Division Officers.
Welcome to our six newest members sworn in at the November meeting: Noel Stapleton and John Istorico, both of Pearl River, John Francis of Bardonia, Michael Jensen of New City, Ronald Gerlich of Yonkers and Gary Reilly of Bel Air, MD.Thank you and congratulations to Larry DeGennaro and chef Bill Boera for the largest Senior Luncheon since the pandemic just before Thanksgiving. Also, thank you to Dennis Madigan and everyone who came out to support our Comedy Night – these social events are getting bigger and better! Thanks, too, to Bill Lee and chef Sean Walsh and the large team that put on the second Pot of Gold party. And the event would not be so successful for the many who supported it by buying tickets.
So many have donated their time. Thank you to the dozen members who gave up a good portion of their Saturday to complete their Major Degree. Thanks to all those who, last Saturday, either were part of the huge group who showed up to lay Christmas Wreaths at St. Anthony’s Cemetery or who went to the Orangetown Soccer fields to make the biggest and best yet ‘reverse parade’ for Christmas for our special needs community.
Good & Welfare –Even in loss, we remember how we were blessed with those we lost. Please say a prayer for our brothers, Jack Cunningham, John (Doc) Jones and Ciaran Green, as well as Eddie O’Dea’s mother, Beatrice O’Dea and Tom Slattery’s mother-in-law, Mary Culleton – may they rest in peace. Also, please keep John Crilley in your prayers who is spending some time in the hospital in the week leading up to Christmas. Also, continue to pray for those suffering in the Ukraine as well as our law enforcement professionals, healthcare workers and members of the armed services, especially those who can’t be home this Christmas.
As always, we pray that you and your family are healthy and safe.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Chuck Parnow