Our next meeting will be held on Friday, April 19 at 8pm. Welcome aboard to new member Brian McGarity. Congratulations and many thanks to all those who worked so hard to make our St. Patrick’s Day Senior Citizen luncheon such a success, to all those who marched in St. Patrick’s Day Parades, and to those who worked at the parade in Pearl River, especially rookies Brian Booth, Mike Mulcahy, and Don McKallen who kept the parade moving so well. I received many compliments from those who received such a warm welcome at the Hibernian House. So many thanks go out to the House board.
Good and Welfare News…
Please say a prayer for the repose of the soul of Dan Callanan’s brother Tom, Mike O’Brien’s mom Peggy, Mike Burke’s mom Shiela, Marty Joyce’s bride Mary Ellen, Jim Walsh’s brotherJohn down in Florida, the chairman of the pub Jim “Stretch” Fitzmaurice, and a good friend of the AOH, Kay O’Grady’s husband Sean. Please keep Frank McDonagh’s bride Mary in your prayers as she battles her illness and for Dermot Moore’s mom Mary as she deals with complications from hip surgery at Nyack Hospital. Dan Callanan is looking for volunteers to assist with physical therapy for Larry McKeever. It would be Monday through Friday (your choice of days) from 9am to 10am. Please give Dan a call at 845-735-6108 if you can help out. As always, please remember in your prayers our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President