Brother Hibernians;
Our next meeting will be held on Friday, February 26 at 8pm. At our December meeting we welcomed aboard new members Harry Callahan, Donald Sullivan, Jay Vejnoska, Rory Healy, Tim McGee, Jim McGovern, Joe Dolan, Stephen Sweetman, Ray Morrissey, Sean Walsh, Neil Barrett and Jim and Bill Fortescue. Many thanks to Jim “Jean Claude” Doyle for running another outstanding Division ski trip and to Bill Lee for keeping the front of the pub clear of snow. Congratulations to Jim and Kitty Trainor’s Daughter Lt. Col. Anne Coyne on her retirement from the USAF and to Brian Hunt who will be honored as NY County Division 3’s Hibernian of the Year at Coogan’s in Manhattan on March 8. Until St. Patrick’s Day Our new sponsor, Verizon Wireless Zone of Pearl River, is offering 20 percent off to all AOH Division 3 Members.
Please say a prayer for the peaceful repose of Frank McGarvey’s wife Joyce, Tom Lynch’s sister Catherine Keavins, John Kelly’s father-in-law John Thomas McNaboe. Marty Joyce is doing well after another bout with double pneumonia and Billy McAndrews wife Pat (aka Zeke) is recovering from an arm broken in two places that might require surgery. John Draper Sr. is proud to announce that his daughter Danielle & husband Joseph Murray will be expecting their 2nd child in June 2010. An early indication is that it will be a baby girl to go along with their younger son Christopher Joseph. Please keep our troops in your prayers, especially our wounded warriors. Dan Callanan would also like to ask that you put pen to paper to support three Navy Seals (Jonathan Keefe, Julio Huertas, and Matthew McCabe) who are being court martialled for allegedly abusing a terrorist responsible for the murder and desecration of the bodies of four American contractors. Write to Secretary of Defence Robert Gates at 1000 Defense Pentagon, Washington D.C. 20301-1000.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President