Brother Hibernians and friends,
Dan Dechon’s son is serving with the United States Marine Corps in Afghanistan. Dan and his wife Monica have been advised by a family support group that the troops are in desperate need of things that we take for granted over here. They are simple and inexpensive items but are so needed because the heat index of 150 degrees is making their skin crack and bleed and their supplies are limited due to Taliban bombings.
The Division has made a donation but I know that many of you would like to help out as well. Take a look at the list below and see what you can donate. Dan and Monica will take care of the shipping. Dan can be reached at 917-335-2292 or .
Happy Independence Day. God Bless America and please fly your flag.
Baby Wipes
Foot Powder
Socks, they are in desperate need of socks.. White is fine.
Hand Lotion
Face and Body Lotion
Eye Drops – the dirt and sand is killing their eyes
T-Shirt – They have to be green or brown.
Crystal Light/Tang anything that they can put into their water.
Hygiene supplies..
Vaseline, lip balm