On Sunday, May 5th, we had our annual Hibernian Mass and Communion Breakfast. The event both recognizes those Hibernians we’ve lost since last year’s Mass, as well as recognize our high school scholarship winners. Following is the list of Hibernians Brothers whom we have lost in the prior year and memorialized at the Mass:
Michael Cassidy, Sr. | Patrick Moore |
Edward Coffey | Walter Murray |
Thomas Gerondel | Jack Pendergast |
Thomas Markham |
May they rest in peace. Thank you so much to Father Raaser – Pastor of St. Margaret’s as well as our Division Chaplain for a wonderful service.
Thanks to John Edwards for planning and organizing the day’s events and to Chef Bill Boera for a great breakfast. And a huge thanks to our Kevin McNulty and our Scholarship Committee – as we have often said, you have the toughest job in the Division!
We also got to recognize our high school scholars at the Mass, as well as present them with their recognition (and checks!) at the Communion Breakfast that followed. Thanks to Dan Sullivan who was our guest speaker at the breakfast. Following are our high school scholars along with the Hibernian who was honored by their scholarship: