I hope everyone is enjoying Spring which finally seems to have arrived (once we got through several wet and cold weekends). Our next meeting is this, Friday, May 19th at 8pm.
We have a number of great events over the last month. Congratulations to Dennis Madigan for another sold out event – a Comedy Night held on April 28. Also, we had a beautiful day remembering our lost members and celebrating our scholars at our Hibernian Mass and Communion Breakfast – see the following article and pictures. One of our big events of the year, our Annual Golf outing, was another remarkable day and a huge success for our charities. Again, see the following article and pictures.
Congratulations to our brother Frank Farrelly, Jr. who was promoted to Colonel. This is a good reminder to all of us – we have many veteran (and some active duty) members. Once again, the Pearl River Memorial Day parade will be held – on Monday, May 29th – along with a dedication ceremony at the end of the parade. We should be able to bring a strong showing for marching in the parade. Please figure out how you can find that 60-90 minutes in your three-day weekend to recognize all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice
.Good & Welfare – Please pray for the repose of the souls of Mary Kay Joyce, wife of John Joyce and mother of Jack Joyce; Brian Lenihan, brother of Patrick Lenihan; and former long-time member, Patrick Bellew who had moved to Naples, FL a while ago; Joe Brady, son of Jim Brady and Debra Ford, daughter of Billy Ford – may they rest in peace. Please keep the following in your prayers: Dennis Toal and Tommy Lynch who had recent health challenges and continue to keep Jack Pendergast and his wife in your prayers.
As always, we pray that you and your family are healthy and safe.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Chuck Parnow