I hope this update finds you and your family all well. Over the last month, there has been a lot of good news on the re-opening front – hopefully, this means a bit more normalcy for all of us.
To that point, our next division meeting will be held in person this Friday, May 21 at 8:00pm. For those unable to attend ‘live’ we will provide a Zoom link via email the day of the meeting.
Congratulations to Sean Walsh and the Golf Committee for a very successful Member Only golf day last Thursday. Many thanks to the hard-working team who created a great afternoon of
barbeque and refreshments at the Hibernian House, and much appreciation to Mike Gorman and the staff at Blue Hill Golf Course for creating a smooth running and beautiful day on the links. As a number of people noted, John Gannon and a number of the other members we’ve lost who have been fixtures at past events were looking down on us, and I’m sure that
influenced the weather.
As venues continue to increase capacities, we will look for opportunities to get our membership
together – whether it be tried and true events like the golf outing or for new options. One item
we discussed at the last meeting was Irish Heritage Night being held at the NY Boulders game
on Saturday, July 24th. More to come about event details but pencil it in on your calendars now.
Note the item below regarding the Pearl River Memorial Day parade – please make some time
in your holiday weekend. We need to ‘Never Forget’.
Good & Welfare – There are a number of members who are on the mend from a variety of
ailments – please keep them in your prayers. Also, note that this is National EMS Week –
please send out a special prayer or two for our Emergency Medical Specialists. And let’s not
forget our law enforcement professionals, healthcare workers and members of the armed
services in your prayers.
As always, we pray that you and your family are healthy and safe.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Chuck Parnow