When you joined the Order, you promised to “receive the Lessons and take the Test of the Order” The “lesson and Test of the Order” is the Major Degree ceremony. Besides being an initiation into what Hibernianism is all about, it is also a pre-requisite to serving as an officer in the Order. Closer to home, a father having a major degree qualifies for 5 points in our scholarship selection process; every year we are blessed to have a very close competition for the top scholarship award and a father who has his degree gives his child a major advantage! Note: that while the term “test” is used, no prior studying is required, all will be made clear on the day!
Saturday, November 6th: Major Degree – This will be held in conjunction with the semi-annual NYS AOH meeting in Monroe, NY. The ceremony will be held at the Sacred Heart Church Hall at 26 Still Road, Monroe, NY 10950. Registration begins at 11:30 (bring your national card!) and the ceremony starts at 1:00pm. The Division will pick up fees, and the County is looking to arrange a bus if there’s enough demand (so let us know if you’re coming asap).