I hope our newsletter finds everyone well and you’ve enjoyed what is typically a busy May and June. Our next meeting is this, Friday, June 16th at 8pm. We’ll wrap up business before the summer break, tee up activities for the Fall and discuss reinvigorating the AOH Meals on Wheels team.
Thanks to our members who made the time to come to the AOH County Convention to represent us as voting delegates – it is much appreciated. And congratulations to Division 3 members who will represent us on the County Board, including Dermot Moore (President), Vince Tyer (Vice President), Neil Cosgrove (Recording Secretary),
Bill Lee (Treasurer), Eddie O’Dea (Sentinel) and John B.F. Kelly (Marshal). It is extremely important for us to be actively represented at the County level. Special congratulations and a huge thanks to John McGowan – wrapping up six years as County President, and Bill Young, for his time as Vice President.
Next up is the State Convention. It will take place in Binghamton the weekend of July 15th, and as with the County Convention, we need to make sure we are amply represented. See the following article for details.
Over the summer, make sure to stop by the pub regularly to catch up with member IRL, or for the various events that will pop up throughout the summer. It’s a great place for you to beat the heat and catch a game.
Good & Welfare – Please pray for the repose of the souls of our brother Jack Pendergast, our brother Ed Coffey, our brother Mike Cassidy, Sr. (his son, Mike, Jr. is
also a member), Rose Callanan (wife of member Dan Callanan and mother of members Dan and Tim, as well as sister of member Pat Finnegan), Bill Ford’s daughter Debra Ford and Tom Healy’s wife Tara Healy – may they rest in peace.
As always, we pray that you and your family are healthy and safe.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Chuck Parnow