Our next meeting will be held on Friday, June 24th. Welcome aboard to Jonathan Buck, Rory Gallagher, Ciaran Green, Shane Green, Michael Dalton, and Joe Chabot. Congrats to Tom Lynch, the entire golf committee, and all the Volunteers who worked so hard to make the Larry McKeever Memorial Golf Outing such a success. Thanks to all our sponsors who so generously supported us. Thanks to all who marched in the Memorial Day parade to honor our fallen heroes and to all who supported the Hope for Brian fundraiser.
Division 3 was well represented at the Rockaway Irish Festival on June 4th and the Major Dergree Ceremony the next day. Many thanks go out to the Schenectady Degree Team. This will be our last hard copy newsletter so please send us your email asap so you can continue to receive the news. Best wishes to our young GAA athletes as they travel to Kerry and West Cork to compete in the Feile tournaments. Our next newsletter will be in September but I will continue to send out info on upcoming events via email and you can always visit our website www.praoh3@gmail.com. I wish you and your families a safe and enjoyable summer.
Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare News… Please say a prayer for the repose of the souls of Sean Devery and Jack Rogers. Jack Daly is on a rough road up at Good Sam, Mark Donnelly is home from Nyack Hospital and recently stopped by the pub in his new wheels, Pat Tully’s back pain was originally misdiagnosed as arthritis effecting his spine but it turns out it is much less severe and is treatable, and Tom Hyland had a heart valve replacement and is recovering at Englewood Hospital. As always, please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President