Our next meeting will be held on Friday, June 19th. Many thanks all who marched with the division on Memorial Day to honor our war dead. Congratulations to all the members who were elected to county offices at the county convention on June 7. Good luck to the NY Girls under 14 Gaelic Football team as they travel to Wicklow to compete in the Feile tournament. The team has won two championships over the past three years and Rockland is well represented with 11 girls and coach Vince Tyer.
Please say a few extra prayers for Mary McDonagh and Terry Greenan as they battle their illnesses. Congratulations to John and Nancy Keahon who were presented with
first granddaughter Avery Rose by their daughter Katie. Congratulations to all our
This will be the last newsletter till September but please keep in touch with us. We’ll be sending out emails and calling posts on important events, you can visit our website https://www.praoh.org, and you can contact us at praoh3@gmail.com .Have a great and safe
As always, please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President.