Brothers –
Please join us on Sunday, December 6th at 3pm on Railroad Ave. as the one block section of the street in front of the Hibernian House is renamed for our brother, Frank Duffy.
As you may know, Frank is not only a World War II veteran, but he was involved in some of the pivotal battles in the South Pacific leading up to the end of the war, including at Iwo Jima, where he earned a Silver Star. At the suggestion of our Historian and Secretary, Neil Cosgrove, brother Denis Troy introduced the idea to the Town Board, and a Resolution formalizing the name change for the street was passed this past Tuesday. See the details in the link for the formal Resolution:
So, the formal ceremony unveiling the street name sign will occur this Sunday, and we’d like to get as many members there to recognize our brother. Frank is also a member of the American Legion, Post 329, and they will be there in force, too. Given the state of the pandemic, we will be working with the Legion to have something set up outside so that we maintain a safe environment for our members and guests. If at all possible set aside a bit of your Sunday afternoon to help recognize Frank in an outdoor venue. No guarantees on weather, but right now, it’s predicted to be sunny and seasonable.
We look forward to seeing you there. As always, Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Chuck Parnow