Jim Doyle ran another great Division ski trip but runs it on such a tight budget that rumor has it that they all had to get out and push the bus for the last mile home. But on the positive side, all returned ambulatory although Mike Scully did sustain a wrist injury that his brother Bob said happened when the bill came for a round. Not only did all have a great time at John McElligott’s Valentine’s Dance, but he made a profit that will go into the Family Christmas Fund. John maybe setting a trend here, “Good time and making money”. Congratulations to Denis Troy and his staff for another successful Super Bowl Party. The food, refreshments and the laughs could not have been better.
We are at the three quarter post (N.B. the reference to horses) in the Fat Off. It appears it is still anyone’s challenge for the trophy. Just a quick look at some of the early favorites; Craig Basler who started as 6 ft. 6 ins 260 lbs is down to 5 ft 11 ins and holding at 260 lbs. Bob Winkelman may well be on his way to an unprecedented second win in a row, although he has been spiking his club soda with slices of lime. As usual the two participants who have similar builds Bill Ford and Larry McKeever just enter the Fat Off as a donation. I mean really how can you improve on perfection?
In journalism there are on occasions when trepidation regarding a particular report lends itself to the dichotomy of, “should I report the story and jeopardize a friendship or abdicate journalistic integrity and put the story under the editorial rug?” I your humble journalist (doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?) must in the interest of journalistic (I love that word) purity report the following: As all who frequent the Pub know, it is the procedure to place a shot glass in front of a guest to indicate that they are receiving a GIFT libation either from another guest or the barkeeper. However, our ever-vigilant Chief of Security Peter Dunne (formally in charge of vice) recently via our surveillance cameras observed two of Jim Fitzmaurice’s daughters cleverly disguised as Sisters Eileen and Maryann of the Sisters of Faith, Hope and Charity purchasing two cases of shot glasses (made in China, 12 for a dollar) in Just s a Buck. When questioned, Jim said his daughters were purchasing the glasses for a Halloween Party at Al McLay’s house. The reason it pains me personally is because Jim and I go back 50+ years we lived in the same building in the Bronx. Jim lived on the first floor and I on the fourth. I always remember my mom telling me that Jim was always willing to help her with packages but he said he was afraid of heights and only went as far as the first floor. But Mom being the saint she was always gave Jim a buck, which I subsequently found out, he invested in a crap game in Leonard’s Watering Hole. Yes, I could have put the story, “Under the rug” but I could not jeopardize my journalistic (geez I love that word) integrity.
Say one for the troops
Larry McKeever