We hope everyone is doing well. We are on the cusp of the first full-blown St. Patrick’s Day season in quite a while. It may be a bit muted compared to pre-pandemic days, but hopefully, a lot more active than the last two years, with the Emerald Ball coming up this weekend and the Rockland Parade set for March 20th
Our next division meeting will be held in person this Friday, February 25th at 8:00pm. At the meeting, we will talk about the many events coming up – including the Seniors’ St. Patrick’s Day luncheon, the Rockland St. Patrick’s Day parade to our spring golf outing.
Congratulations to Dennis Madigan and team for a successful Valentine’s Day social – great music from Roddy and it’s great to have that event back on the calendar. In the next week or so, look for more details on the upcoming Comedy Night to be held upstairs on Friday, April 1 (no – this is no April Fool’s joke!).
Also, look for announcements about organizational meetings for AOH Division 3 golf outing. Meetings start in the next couple of weeks – and hold the date: Thursday, May 12th
Sincere thanks go out to those who helped organize – and the many members who contributed– to the ad-hoc fundraiser for the family in need from St. Margaret’s Parish. We not only collected donations at the bar, but the wooden flag raffles contributed, as well as direct contributions from the Division and the House. I understand the family was overwhelmed not only by the generosity but by the effort and thoughtfulness. It makes one proud to be Hibernian.
Good & Welfare – Please say a prayer for the many innocent Ukrainians sitting in the middle of what has quickly devolved into a terrible situation. Also, please keep continue to keep our law enforcement professionals, healthcare workers and members of the armed services in your prayers.