At our November meeting, nominations will be held for all Officer positions in Division 3. Any additional nominations and the election will be held at our December meeting(nominations at the December meeting will require that person to be present at that December meeting).
I ask that all members consider taking on a more active role in the division and consider office. We have a number of officers who have served humbly and admirably for over ten years. The vibrancy of an organization is driven not just purely by the size of its membership, but by the participation of that membership. Even consider the first step of apprenticing at a particular job so that we can create some succession for these roles. Various skills we use in our daily jobs can be invaluable –organizational skills, spreadsheet skills, some bookkeeping or writing.
To steal a quote used by our secretary, Neil Cosgrove (who also fulfills several national roles), in the latest Hibernian Digest, “If not you, who? If not now, when?”