I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Our most recent meeting was Friday, April 21st Next meeting will be Friday, May 19th at 8pm.
We have a number of events coming up in the next month – see the list of upcoming events following for details. Two quick plugs: First, note that our Hibernian Mass and Communion Breakfast will be on Sunday, May 7th with Mass being at 9am at St. Margaret’s. As an Irish Catholic organization, we should have a strong showing at the Mass and the breakfast, where we will be awarding our scholarships.
Second, our annual Golf outing will be Friday, May 12th. We need golfers, donations and volunteers – see the full article that follows.
During last night’s meeting we had an active discussion about just that – having more active membership. Having 750+ brothers does not get us very far if we see only the same fifty or so faces at every event. We will be looking at ways to encourage much stronger participation in many of the events of which we are a part, including activities such as the St. Patrick’s Parade (where we had a meager 16 brothers show up – by the way – a big shout out to them for making the time!). Recognizing that everyone is at different life stages, we’re also going to look at reinvigorating some of our past events that were more focused on our younger families.
Plus, we are always looking for new ideas and efforts to get involved. If you’ve got ideas, let us know!
Good & Welfare –Please keep the following people in your prayers: Jack Pendergast and his wife who were in a terrible car accident this week; Mike Lynch who underwent surgery and continue to pray for Craig Basler, working on his recovery
As always, we pray that you and your family are healthy and safe.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Chuck Parnow