We wish you and your families a joyous and blessed St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Our next meeting will be held on Friday, April 15th. Welcome aboard to Matthew O’Hanlon and John Walsh. Thanks once again to Jack O’Connor, Larry DeGennaro and crew for hosting another successful senior citizens luncheon. Division 3 looked fantastic in the Rockland Parade as they marched proudly behind Aide Ed O’Dea and Commander Tom Lynch. Thanks to all for a great showing. It was an honor to play with the county pipe band in Centenary marches in Dublin and Belfast, a truly historic event. We kicked of our month of Centenary Celebrations with a fantastic Young Wolfe Tones concert. Please see the Centenary article in this newsletter for all the upcoming commemoration events to honor our heroes of 1916..
Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare News… Best wishes to Emmett Woods on his knee replacement. Congratulations to John McElligiott who was presented with granddaughter Finleih.
As always, please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President