Our next meeting will be held on Friday, April24th. Welcome aboard to James Notarfrancesci and Patrick Hennessy . Many thanks to all the members who marched in the Rockland parade behind our honorees Vince Tyer, Kieran Cummings, and Mike Mulcahy. Congratulations to the parade committee on doing a fantastic job. Many thanks to Jack O’Connor, Larry DeGennaro, Dan Callanan, and all the volunteers who worked to make the seniors’ luncheon such a success. Congratulations to our scholarship winners and thanks to all the students who participated. They were all deserving but unfortunately we can only give out so many awards. Many thanks go out to the whole scholarship committee on doing a great and very difficult job. Please join us at our mass and Communion Breakfast where we will honor winners and listen to Vince Tyer.Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare news: Please say a prayer for the repose of the souls of Sean Walsh’s dad Eugene and Tom Mallon’s mom Madge. Keep up the prayers for gentleman John King who is back in Rockland in a local hospice, anyone knowing which one please let it be known at the Pub, Bobby Farrelly is still hanging on at Rosary Hillin Hawthorne, Charlie Murphy is recovering from an injured ankle followed by an infection,Jack Madigan’s bride Charlotte is doing well after having her other knee replaced. Thanks to all the members and high schoolers who helped out with the St. Patrick’s Day corned beef dinner.As always, please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President.