If you have a high school senior, read carefully! There are two opportunities for students to qualify for money to help defray the cost of eduation.
NY AOH State Scholarships
The state application process is now open – A general mailing went out from the state AOH, but if you didn’t receive it, please see the following page of the state AOH website for all details: https://www.nyaoh.com/aoh-scholarship-contest.
Important facts –
- The application is a fillable pdf (on the website) and easy to complete.
- All high school seniors who are themselves members or children or grandchildren of a member belonging to a NYS AOH division are eligible to apply for this state scholarship.
- Applications are due no later than February 24th, and the process includes a test on Irish history (administered in April).
Any and all questions, please contact the State Scholarship Chair – Dermot Moore – at dermotomoore@gmail.com.
AOH Division 3 Scholarships
As in past years, Our Division 3 scholarship process will piggyback off of the state application process, so you only have to fill out one application to apply for both scholarships. Note that eligibility is narrower for the Division scholarships. To be eligible for the Division scholarship, a high school senior must either be a member, or the child of a member who has been with the Division for at least three years. Any questions, reach out to Dermot’s email (above) or to praoh3@gmail.com.