The National Convention will be held at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in scenic upstate New York from Monday July 9th through Thursday, July 12th. Our own Division 3 member Brendan Moore is running for president and it would be nice to have a big division turn out. Rooms can be reserved now by calling 1-800-771-7711 and mentioning “Hibernians” for the convention rate of $115 a night. Hotel accommodations can only be made by telephone. Please note that hotel rooms are available in many areas of Turning Stone Resort. Specifically, we have secured rooms at “The Hotel,” “The Tower” and “The Inn” (near main resort site). Descriptions and location of each of these areas is available online at There has been a spike in AOH/LAOH room reservations and there are only so many rooms guaranteed at the AOH rate. Complete convention details will be provided in the next edition of the Hibernian Digest, which is due out in late January.