I hope you all had a great summer. Our next meeting will be held on September 28th at 8 pm. There will be nominations for Hibernian House President and Treasurer. Welcome aboard to new members Brian O’Rourke, Pete Tarsnane, Tom Shea, and Harry Kelly. Thanks to Kevin Haugh who joined us at the national convention and congratulations to Neil Cosgrove on being awarded the prestigious and well deserved Commodore John Barry medal. Unfortunately, we had to deal with horrible weather for our Ceol Mor Bagpipe Festival on August 4th but we still had 13 bands and over 15 solo competitors. Many, many thanks to our committee and volunteers who toiled through the monsoon in the morning and the blazing heat in the afternoon.
Heartfelt appreciation goes out to Ed O’Dea who recently retired as chairman of our membership committee and our Communion Mass. We need members to step up and fill in these positions as well as running for office. Some of our officers have been in their positions for over ten years. New blood and more member participation is desperately needed. We will have nominations for Division Officers at our October meeting and strongly encourage members to run.
There are many important events coming up. Please read on in this newsletter and support as many of them as possible.
As always, please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President
Please pray for the repose of the souls of past national president and secretary Tom McNabb, Jim Spink’s mom Bonnie, Jack Cunningham’s brother Richard, Jack Madigan’s brother-in-law Sanford, Tom Lynch’s father-in-law Tom, and May Murphy, mother of Brian and grandmother of Kieran and Sean. Please keep your prayers coming for Dan Callanan’s continuing improvement, our sincerest appreciation goes out to Dan for his many years of service as our Good and Welfare Chairman. Best wishes to Dan Barry who is expecting his second grandchild. Conor and Donna Moore presented grandsons Cormac and Charlie to grandparents Dermot and Joan and they were joined two weeks later by granddaughter Rose as presented by Tom and Colleen.