Our next meeting will be held on Friday,June 20th at 8pm. We cancelled our May 31st meeting because our golf outing had to be rescheduled to that date due to the weather. What a gorgeous day it was and congratulations to Tom Lynch, Hugh O’Brien,Sean Walsh and the entire golf committee for running a fantastic golf outing. Many thanks go out to all the volunteers and lady Hibernians who made this such a special day.
We wish the best of wishes to Brendan Moore for his re-election at the National AOH convention this July in St.Louis. Many thanks to all the division members who will be accompanying us to the convention to vote in the elections and also to participate in the discussion on the proposed changes to the constitution, several of which may have significant impact on New York boards.
Dan Callanan reports the following Good and Welfare News: Please say a prayer for the repose of the souls of John Leddy’s bride Laura, Dan McKenna’s brother James,Franny Corbett’s brother John, and gentleman Bill Kenney. Another prayer is in order for John Kennedy who is receiving therapy at Helen Hayes as he recovers from his second major brain surgery.
Have a great summer and –Please remember to say an extra prayer for our wounded warriors and their families.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President.