Brother Hibernians,
We hope you and your families enjoyed a very merry Christmas and happy New Year.
Our next meeting will be held on Friday, January 25th at 8pm. Welcome aboard to new members Tim Ryan, Bill Curley, Dan Mesopoanese, Jim Hayes, Tim Armstrong, Pat McNerney, Don Mimnaugh, and Mike McGrath. Many thanks go out to Bill and Trish Lee for running a great Pot O’Gold final drawing party and to all our volunteers, especially our head chef Sean Walsh and all our cooks. What a feast we were treated to. A great time was had by all at our Wren Night celebration and our heartfelt thanks go out to all our volunteers and performers especially Dennis Madigan, Fergal Hayes, Mike O’Sullivan, and John McGowan. All profits went towards defraying the expenses of Lourdes Kids of Rockland helpers, a great cause. Many thanks to all who supported the pub’s fat off on New Year’s Day which benefits the Adopt a Family Christmas Fund, another great cause. I hope to see you at our ski trip on February 2nd and the Emerald Ball on February 23rd. The Hibernian of the Year is our own Edmond O’Dea and the Grand Marshal is Joan Moore. The Emerald Ball is the main fundraiser for our beautiful parade so please support by taking a journal ad and attending.
Phil Sheridan reports the following Good and Welfare news…Please pray for the repose of the souls of Jim Russell’s mom Bobbi and Pat Holt’s mom Mary. Please pray for the recovery of Dan Callanan, Jim Harding. John Hennessey, John Kennedy, Tim Sheridan, and Monsignor Weber.
Please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our troops convalescing in hospitals around the world.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President