We wish you and your families a very merry Christmas and happy New Year Our next meeting will be held on Friday, December 21st at 8pm. Welcome aboard to new members Brian Van Houten and Robert Blumenthal. Congratulations (or should I say condolences) to our division officers who were all reelected.
Congratulations to all 2019 Rockland County St. Patrick’s Day Parade honorees; Hibernian of the Year Ed O’Dea, Businessperson Heather Bowie, Grand Marshal Joan Moore, Aide to NYC parade Dan Donohue, Division 3 Aide John Kelly, and Division 3 Battalion Commander Don McKallen.
Congrats and many thanks to Jack O’Connor, Larry DeGennaro, Brian Booth, and all our volunteers for running another great Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Luncheon. Many thanks go out all of those who made our special needs Christmas party such a success, especially Sean and Kim Walsh, Joan Moore, Rich and Terry Halpin, Sean Joyce, Jake and Brendan McLaughlin, Larry DeGennaro, and Mark Rolston.
There are a few tickets left so don’t miss out on a chance of winning 10 grand cash at our final drawing party on December 23rd. Phil Sheridan reports the following
Good and Welfare News
Let us find in our hearts prayer and compassion, especially during this holiday season, for our brothers who are ill or deceased. Rest in peace Pete Engel, Dave Nivins, and Rich Waldron’s son Justin. Get well Pat Moroney, Dan Callanan, Jim Harding. John Hennessey, and John Kennedy. Please remember to say an extra prayer or two for our troops convalescing in hospitals around the world.
Yours in Friendship, Unity & Christian Charity,
Dermot O’Connor Moore, President.