The full AOH State Convention will be convened in Binghamton from Wednesday July 12th through Sunday, July 16th
The key dates for the convention are Friday, July 14th and Saturday, July 15th with voting occurring on Saturday morning. Rockland County AOH has a substantial number of votes and as the majority of members in the County, we need to supply the majority of those voting delegates. There is consideration of arranging a bus for just the day on Saturday. Alternatively, a number of us have talked about going up on Friday, as the Friday night event is a minor league ballgame in
Binghamton (Binghamton is a Mets farm team).
All you need to be a valid voting delegate is to be a paid up member (Major Degree not required). If you are interested or can attend for some portion, please drop us an email at in the next week so we can plan. Note, we have to submit the full Rockland delegate list by June 30th, so we need commitment in advance. Full information about the convention can be found on the AOH NYS website here: