The application for the 2017 Division 3 Scholarship is available here in Word Format and here as a PDF. All high school seniors who are the children of all persons who have been members/booster members of Division III for at least three consecutive years prior to this date are eligible to apply. Applicants should include any AOH family participation and any other information that they feel makes them deserving of this scholarship. Applicants are urged to complete every section of the application as fully as possible, but may use no more than the front and back of the application for all material. No attachments to the application will be accepted. Applications must be handwritten or use a 12 point font when completing the application.
This application must be emailed to by Saturday March 18. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. No late applications will be considered.
The second part of the scholarship process will take place on Saturday, April 8. A scholarship test will be administered at the Hibernian House at 10:00 a.m. The scholarship committee will notify all applicants of any changes of date or time. All of the questions on this multiple choice test will be taken from material that can be accessed here